Sewing needle
dikiş iğnesi
a slender, pointed tool used for sewing fabrics and other materials
What is a "sewing needle"?
A sewing needle is a thin, pointed tool with a small hole or eye at one end and a sharp point at the other. It is used for sewing fabrics and materials together by creating loops of thread or yarn. Sewing needles come in different sizes, lengths, and shapes to suit various types of fabrics and sewing techniques. The size of a needle is determined by its diameter, which can vary from very fine to thick. The needle's eye is where the thread passes through, and it can be small or large, depending on the thickness of the thread being used. A sewing needle can be made of various materials, including steel, nickel, or titanium, and it can be hand-sewn or used with a sewing machine.
dikiş iğnesi, sivrisinek
slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest; adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.