Sesame seed
British pronunciation/sˈɛsɐmˌi sˈiːd/
American pronunciation/sˈɛsɐmi sˈiːd/

susam tohumu

a small, edible seed with a nutty flavor commonly used in cooking and baking

What are "sesame seeds"?


Sesame seeds are tiny, nutritious seeds harvested from the sesame plant, native to Africa and India. They have a delicate nutty flavor and a slightly crunchy texture, making them a popular ingredient in various cuisines worldwide. Sesame seeds come in different colors, including white, black, and golden, with white sesame seeds being the most common. They are often used as a topping for bread, buns, and crackers, as well as in baking, cooking, and garnishing dishes. In cooking, sesame seeds add a nutty aroma and a subtle crunch, enhancing the flavor and texture of both sweet and savory dishes. They are commonly used in dishes such as stir-fries, salads, sushi, and desserts. Sesame seeds are also valued for their nutritional benefits, being rich in protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including calcium and magnesium.

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