Sea spider
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British pronunciation/sˈiː spˈaɪdə/
American pronunciation/sˈiː spˈaɪdɚ/

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a marine arthropod that has a unique body structure, long legs, and inhabits oceans worldwide
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What is a "sea spider"?

A sea spider is an intriguing marine arthropod that inhabits oceans around the world. Despite its name, the sea spider is not a true spider and differs significantly from land-dwelling arachnids. It has a unique body structure with a small central body, long legs, and a specialized respiratory system that allows it to extract oxygen directly from seawater. Sea spiders come in a variety of sizes and shapes, ranging from tiny species to larger ones with leg spans several times their body length. They can be found in various marine habitats, including coral reefs, sandy bottoms, and kelp forests. Sea spiders are primarily carnivorous, feeding on small invertebrates and even scavenging on dead animals. Although they may appear delicate, sea spiders have adapted to survive in diverse oceanic environments and play important roles in marine ecosystems.

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