to roll over
[phrase form: roll]
devirmek, çevirmek
to cause something to rotate, typically by pushing it with one's hands
Can you roll over the log to see if there are any bugs underneath?
The child rolled over the toy car, making it move across the floor.
She rolled over the snowball so it would continue down the hill.
devrilmek, yuvarlanmak
(of an object) to rotate from one side to another due to gravity or mechanical processes
The ball began to roll over as it descended the steep hill.
The barrel rolled over several times before coming to a stop at the bottom of the slope.
When the wind picked up, it caused the empty can to roll over across the yard.
devretmek, yeniden yatırmak
to keep investing money in something similar
He decided to roll over his profits from one stock into a different stock to diversify his portfolio.
Some individuals prefer to roll over their cryptocurrency gains into a diverse set of digital assets to manage risk.
he chose to roll over her retirement savings into a more stable investment after reaching a certain age.
borcu ertelemek, kredi geri ödemesini uzatmak
to negotiate with a lender to postpone the repayment of a loan to a later date in exchange for an additional fee
The borrower had to roll over the loan by paying an extra fee to extend the repayment deadline.
In a financial bind, he decided to roll over his payday loan for another two weeks, incurring additional charges.
The company negotiated with the bank to roll over their business loan, granting them more time to repay with added interest.
dönmek, yan dönmek
to turn from lying on one side of the body to the other
The baby rolled over onto her stomach for the first time.
After a night of uncomfortable sleep, he groggily rolled over in bed to find a more comfortable position.
The dog happily rolled over on the grass, asking for a belly rub.
devrilmek, çevirmek
to turn a person or thing's body onto a different side or position, typically while they are lying down
The nurse gently rolled over the patient onto their side to prevent bedsores.
After the car accident, the paramedics carefully rolled over the injured driver to assess their injuries.
The lifeguard quickly rolled the unconscious swimmer over to clear their airway.
boyun eğmek, teslim olmak
to give in to a request, demand, or pressure
The company was initially resistant to lowering the price, but they eventually rolled over to meet the customer's budget.
He had strong opinions about the project, but he eventually rolled them over to align with the team's consensus.
The government tried to negotiate, but the rebel group refused to roll over and continued their resistance.
devretmek, aktarmak
to add the current prize money to the next lottery, because jackpot was not won by anyone
After no one matched all the numbers, the lottery jackpot will roll over to the next drawing, creating even more anticipation.
The progressive slot machine displayed a flashing message indicating that the jackpot would roll over to the next player if nobody hit the winning combination.
The charity event organizers announced that the unclaimed grand prize would roll over to the following year's raffle, making it an even more enticing opportunity for participants.

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