point of no return
dönüşü olmayan yol
the time when it becomes impossible for one to return to a previous place or state or to make a different decision
What is the origin of the idiom "point of no return" and when to use it?
The idiom "point of no return" is originated from aviation and navigation, referring to the point in a journey where it becomes impossible to turn back without significant consequences. In a broader sense, it is used to describe a critical moment or decision after which it is impossible to change course, and one must continue with a particular action, plan, or commitment, regardless of the consequences.
After signing the contract, they had reached the point of no return, and there was no way to cancel the deal.
The team's performance in the first half of the game was so poor that they had already crossed the point of no return.
When they boarded the plane, they knew it was the point of no return; there was no going back.

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