kalp temposunu ayarlayan alet
an electronic device implanted inside a person's body to help regulate their heart rate
What is a "pacemaker"?
A pacemaker is a small device placed under the skin to help control the heart's rhythm. It uses electrical signals to make the heart beat at a normal rate when it beats too slowly or irregularly. Pacemakers are used to treat conditions such as bradycardia, which is a slow heart rate, and certain types of arrhythmias, which are irregular heart rhythms. This device monitors the heart's activity and sends electrical signals as needed to make sure it beats properly, improving overall heart function and quality of life for patients with heart rhythm disorders.
tempoyu ayarlayan at, tempocu at
a horse used to set the pace in racing
depolarizasyon öncüsü, sinoatriyal düğüm
a specialized bit of heart tissue that controls the heartbeat
öncü, pioner
a leading instance in its field
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