Backward compatibility

Backward compatibility
bakåtkompatibilitet, retrokompatibilitet
the ability of a newer version of a video game console to play games designed for its previous model or generation
What is "backward compatibility"?
Backward compatibility is a feature in electronic devices, such as video game consoles or software, that allows newer systems to run or support games, apps, or other content designed for older versions. This feature ensures that players can use their old games or programs without needing to buy new versions or devices. For example, a newer video game console with backward compatibility may allow players to play games from its predecessor, making the transition to the new system smoother. It is especially useful for preserving a player’s game library and ensuring continued access to older content.
The PlayStation 5 has backward compatibility, so I can still play my PlayStation 4 games on it.
Thanks to backward compatibility, you do not need to replace your old games when upgrading to the new console.
I was happy to find that the new software update added backward compatibility with older file formats.