to mind one's p's and q's
to do one's best to be as proper and polite as one is capable of
What is the origin of the idiom "mind one's p's and q's" and when to use it?
The idiom "mind one's p's and q's" has uncertain origins, but it is believed to have emerged in 17th-century England. It's a saying that emphasizes the need to pay close attention to one's manners, behavior, or words, especially in social or formal settings. The "p's" and "q's" in this context are often thought to represent particular letters, possibly in a printer's or typesetter's perspective, emphasizing the importance of being careful and precise.
Minding your Ps and Qs in London is akin to respectful bows and nods in Singapore.
We knew to mind our p's and q's around our aunt.
When you're at the formal dinner with our clients, be sure to mind your p's and q's.