War dance
krigsdans, krigarens dans
a ceremonial dance performed by warriors before battle, often to intimidate opponents or to prepare mentally for combat
What is a "war dance"?
A war dance is a type of dance performed by various cultures to prepare for, celebrate, or commemorate battles and conflicts. These dances often feature vigorous and powerful movements, including stomping, jumping, and rhythmic gestures, meant to evoke strength, bravery, and unity among participants. War dances are typically accompanied by drumming and chanting, and they can be used to intimidate opponents, honor warriors, or mark victories and important events related to warfare.
The tribe 's warriors gathered around the fire, chanting and performing their traditional war dance to psych themselves up for the impending battle.
Before entering the battlefield, the soldiers performed a solemn war dance, honoring their ancestors and seeking their blessings for victory.
The ancient Greeks believed that performing a war dance before a battle would instill valor and unity among the troops.

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