to screw up
[phrase form: screw]
förstör, störka
to ruin a situation through mistakes or poor judgment
Transitive: to screw up a situation
He did n't want to screw up the important presentation, so he practiced diligently.
She felt a sinking feeling in her stomach after realizing she had screwed up the project.
She screwed the job interview up by arriving late and unprepared.
förvärra, förstora
to intensify a situation or problem
Transitive: to screw up a problem
The cold weather screwed up my arthritis.
Do n't tell the boss - that will just screw up the situation even more.
Her meddling really screwed the problem up.
skrynklade ihop, vrida på ansiktet
to twist one's face into an expression of discomfort, displeasure, or tension
Transitive: to screw up one's face
She screwed up her face when she tasted the sour lemon.
The actor screwed up his face to imitate a comical expression during the performance.
She could n't help but screw up her face in reaction to the strong smell of the chemicals.
skruva åt, skruva upp
to fasten something by rotating it often in a clockwise direction
Transitive: to screw up sth
The plumber had to screw the faucet up tightly to prevent any water leaks.
The technician needed to screw the wires up to connect the electronic components.
She carefully screwed the antenna up onto the roof for better reception.
vrida ihop, skruva ihop
to fold something by twisting it tightly
Transitive: to screw up a piece of paper or fabric
He screwed up the letter and threw it in the trash in frustration.
She screwed the paper up into a tight ball and tossed it into the recycling bin.
Let 's screw up the old newspaper and use it for packing delicate items.
förstöra, skada
to cause someone to be emotionally or mentally disturbed
Transitive: to screw up sb
The harsh criticism from his supervisor really screwed him up emotionally.
Failing the exam completely screwed her up for weeks.
The breakup with his long-time partner screwed him up mentally.