to inlay
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to put decorative pieces of wood or metal into the surface of an object in a way that they level with the surface
Transitive: to inlay decorative pieces
The artisan carefully inlaid precious stones into the wooden jewelry box for an elegant touch.
The furniture maker decided to inlay a contrasting wood to create a beautiful mosaic effect on the tabletop.
To enhance the guitar 's appearance, the luthier inlaid intricate patterns along the fretboard.
decorative patterns made of wood or metal, put into the surface of an object in a way that they level with the surface
What is "inlay"?
Inlay is a technique where materials such as wood, metal, or stone are set into the surface of an object to create a decorative design. This involves carving out sections of the base material and then filling those spaces with the inlay material, which is then smoothed level with the surface. The result is a pattern or image that stands out against the background, adding visual interest and detail. Inlay is commonly used in furniture, musical instruments, and decorative arts to enhance the appearance and craftsmanship of the piece.
вкладыш, инлей
(dentistry) a filling consisting of a solid substance (as gold or porcelain) fitted to a cavity in a tooth and cemented into place

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