British pronunciation/d‍ʒˈɛnɪt/
American pronunciation/ˈdʒɛnɪt/


a nocturnal catlike mammal with a spotted fur and long ringed tail that feeds on insects and small animals

What is a "genet"?


The genet is a small to medium-sized carnivorous mammal that belongs to the family Viverridae. Genets are known for their slender bodies, long tails, and spotted or striped fur patterns. They have a cat-like appearance with a small head, large ears, and sharp teeth. Genets are primarily nocturnal and are known for their excellent climbing and jumping abilities. They are found in a variety of habitats, including forests, savannas, and grasslands, across parts of Africa, Europe, and Asia. Genets are opportunistic predators, feeding on a diverse diet that includes insects, small mammals, birds, and fruits. They are also known for their ability to emit a strong-smelling secretion from their anal glands, which they use for communication and territorial marking. Genets are elusive and solitary animals, known for their agility, adaptability, and unique appearance.



French writer of novels and dramas for the theater of the absurd (1910-1986)


French diplomat who in 1793 tried to draw the United States into the war between France and England (1763-1834)
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