What is a "carnivore"?
A carnivore is an animal that primarily feeds on meat or flesh. They have adapted to hunting and consuming meat as their primary source of nutrition. Some examples of carnivores include lions, tigers, wolves, hyenas, and sharks. Carnivores typically have sharp teeth and claws, powerful jaws, and keen senses to help them locate and capture their prey. They are often at the top of the food chain and play an important role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystem. Some carnivores are also scavengers and will consume the remains of dead animals, while others are strictly predators that actively hunt their prey.
Lions are powerful carnivores that hunt in prides.
Wolves are social carnivores that hunt in packs.
Domestic cats are obligate carnivores, needing meat to thrive.
плотоядное, хищник
a terrestrial or aquatic flesh-eating mammal

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