an Italian sauce that is made with chopped bacon, grated parmesan cheese and eggs, served with pasta
What is "carbonara"?
Carbonara sauce is a rich and creamy sauce originating from Italian cuisine, traditionally made with eggs, cheese, usually Pecorino Romano or Parmesan, pancetta or guanciale, and black pepper. It has a silky texture and a savory flavor profile, with the richness of the eggs and cheese balanced by the salty and smoky taste of the pancetta or guanciale. Carbonara sauce is typically served with pasta, such as spaghetti or fettuccine, and is known for its simplicity and decadence.
He grew up in an Italian household and learned how to make carbonara from his nonna.
Он вырос в итальянской семье и научился готовить карбонару, соус карбонара, от своей нонны.
I attended a cooking class where we learned the secrets to making a perfect carbonara sauce.
Я посещал кулинарный класс, где мы узнали секреты приготовления соуса карбонара.
карбонара, паста карбонара
a classic Italian pasta dish made with spaghetti or other pasta, eggs, cheese, pancetta or bacon, and black pepper

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