веловелосипед, веломобиль
a pedal-powered vehicle like a bike, but it has a cover to protect the rider and make it go faster
What is a "velomobile"?
A velomobile is a cycle with three or four wheels enclosed in a lightweight shell for better aerodynamics, weather protection, and efficiency. It is powered by pedaling, like a regular bicycle, but the smooth body helps reduce air resistance, making it faster and easier to ride over long distances. Some velomobiles include electric assistance to help with pedaling. They are often used for commuting, touring, or recreation, offering a balance of speed, comfort, and protection compared to traditional bicycles.
He commutes to work every day in his sleek, aerodynamic velomobile.
Velomobiles are becoming popular in urban areas due to their efficiency and low environmental impact.
The velomobile's enclosed design protects the rider from wind and rain.

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