Scholar's mate
мат ученика, мат академика
a four-move checkmate sequence in chess that can occur when one player moves their pawn to e4, their bishop to c4, and their queen to h5, threatening to checkmate the opposing king on f7
What is "scholar's mate"?
Scholar's mate is a quick checkmate that can occur in chess, usually within the first few moves. It happens when one player places the opponent’s king in check and checkmate using a combination of the queen and bishop. The typical sequence involves the player moving their pawn to e4, followed by the queen moving to h5 or f3, and the bishop being positioned to c4 or c5. If the opponent does not defend properly, the queen and bishop can coordinate to checkmate the king on f7 or f2. Scholar's mate is a simple tactic often used by beginners to win early in the game.
The game ended in a quick scholar's mate when my opponent left their king unprotected.
I won in just four moves thanks to a lucky scholar's mate.
If you're not careful, a scholar's mate can catch you off guard in the opening.

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