know which way the wind blow
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British pronunciation/nˈəʊ sˈiː fˈaɪnd ˈaʊt wˌɪtʃ wˈeɪ daɪɹˈɛkʃən ðə wˈɪnd blˈəʊ/
American pronunciation/nˈoʊ sˈiː fˈaɪnd ˈaʊt wˌɪtʃ wˈeɪ dɚɹˈɛkʃən ðə wˈɪnd blˈoʊ/

дождитесь получения дополнительной информации, прежде чем принимать решение

to realize how a situation is about to develop in order to be able to properly prepare for any potential problems or changes that one might encounter
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[know|see|find out] which (way|direction) the wind [blow] definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "know which way the wind blows" and when to use it?

The idiom "know which way the wind blows" finds its roots in ancient maritime traditions. Sailors used the direction of the wind to navigate their ships effectively. Figuratively, it conveys the idea of understanding the prevailing circumstances, opinions, or trends to make informed decisions. This expression highlights the importance of being attuned to the current environment and adapting accordingly. It is often used in contexts where one needs to stay aware of changing situations or public sentiment to make decisions wisely.

If there's anyone who knows which way the wind blows, it's Andrew.
Most senators find out which way the wind blows in their home state before voting on bills in Congress.
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Meaning of "[know|see|find out] which (way|direction) the wind [blow]" in Russian
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