have a good pair of lungs
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British pronunciation/hav ɐ ɡˈʊd hˈɛlθi pˈeəɹ ɒv lˈʌŋz/
American pronunciation/hæv ɐ ɡˈʊd hˈɛlθi pˈɛɹ ʌv lˈʌŋz/

Иметь возможность громко плакать

to have a strong and powerful voice, typically indicating one's ability to speak loudly, assertively, or with great enthusiasm or one's talent for singing with clarity
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to [have] a (good|healthy) pair of lungs definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "have a good pair of lungs" and when to use it?

The idiom "have a good pair of lungs" originated from the association of lung capacity with the ability to produce loud and powerful vocalizations. It is an informal idiom used to describe someone who possesses strong vocal abilities or has a powerful singing voice. It can be used to praise a person's vocal abilities, indicating that they have a naturally loud or resonant voice that is well-suited for singing. The idiom can also be used figuratively to describe someone who is verbally expressive, articulate, or capable of delivering forceful or impactful speeches.

It's important to have a healthy pair of lungs to project your voice in public speaking.
During her speech, she projected her voice clearly and steadily, showing that she had a healthy pair of lungs.
During the concert, the lead singer showed that he really had a good pair of lungs, hitting all the high notes perfectly.
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Meaning of "To [have] a (good|healthy) pair of lungs" in Russian
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