an old head on young shoulders
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British pronunciation/ɐn ˈəʊld ɐ wˈaɪz hˈɛd ˌɒn jˈʌŋ ʃˈəʊldəz/
American pronunciation/ɐn ˈoʊld ɐ wˈaɪz hˈɛd ˌɑːn jˈʌŋ ʃˈoʊldɚz/

Молодой человек, который ведет себя или говорит как пожилой

a young person or a child who talks and behaves like an older or more experienced person would
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(an old|a wise) head on young shoulders definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "an old head on young shoulders" and when to use it?

The idiom "an old head on young shoulders" likely originated from the observation that some individuals possess a level of maturity, wisdom, or experience beyond their years. The expression "an old head" refers to someone who displays the wisdom and judgment typically associated with older individuals, while "young shoulders" signify their age or youthfulness. This idiom emphasizes the contrast between a person's youthful appearance or age and their mature and wise outlook on life. This expression is used to compliment or describe a young person who exhibits remarkable maturity, wisdom, or sensible behavior, often beyond their age.

Sarah may be only 20, but she handles her responsibilities at work with the maturity of a wise head on young shoulders.
Despite being the youngest member of the team, Mark's leadership and decision-making reflect an old head on young shoulders
As a teacher, I try to remember that you cannot put an old head on young shoulders.
Jenny's ability to provide wise advice to her friends demonstrates that she has a wise head on young shoulders.
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Meaning of "(an old|a wise) head on young shoulders" in Russian
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