Like turkeys voting for Christmas
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British pronunciation/lˈaɪk tˈɜːkɪz vˈəʊtɪŋ fɔː kɹˈɪsməs/
American pronunciation/lˈaɪk tˈɜːkɪz vˈoʊɾɪŋ fɔːɹ kɹˈɪsməs/

Сказано о людях, которые выбирают или принимают ситуацию, которая не в их интересах

used to refer to a situation where individuals or groups unknowingly support or participate in something that will ultimately bring harm or negative consequences to themselves
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like turkeys voting for Christmas definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "like turkeys voting for Christmas" and when to use it?

The idiom "like turkeys voting for Christmas" originated from the tradition of eating turkey as a Christmas meal, where turkeys are essentially voting for their own demise. The idiom is often used in a political context to describe situations where a group of people support a policy or politician that will ultimately harm them, such as when low-income voters support tax cuts for the wealthy or when workers support policies that lead to job losses.

By the time they realized the truth, they had already been like turkeys voting for Christmas, and it was too late to change the outcome.
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