Like a dog with a bone
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British pronunciation/lˈaɪk ɐ dˈɒɡ wɪð ɐ bˈəʊn/
American pronunciation/lˈaɪk ɐ dˈɑːɡ wɪð ɐ bˈoʊn/

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used to refer to someone who has made their decision and is not about to let anyone or anything stop them
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like a dog with a bone definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "like a dog with a bone" and when to use it?

The origin of the idiom "like a dog with a bone" can be traced to the innate behavior of dogs and their tendency to become possessive and determined when it comes to bones or other objects of interest. Dogs are known for their tenacity in holding onto bones, chewing on them, and not easily letting go. This natural behavior of dogs has been metaphorically applied to human characteristics, leading to idiomatic expression. This expression is now used informally to highlight someone's tenacity and single-minded focus on a specific matter, whether it is pursuing a personal ambition, advocating for a cause, solving a problem, or asserting a viewpoint.

They approached the previous project with the same determination, gripping onto it like a dog with a bone until its successful completion.
They tackle their projects with a dogged determination, always staying focused like a dog with a bone.
He pursued his passion relentlessly, holding onto it like a dog with a bone throughout his entire career.
If she encounters obstacles, she will persist like a dog with a bone, never relinquishing her pursuit of success.
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Meaning of "Like a dog with a bone" in Russian
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