like the cat that ate the canary
British pronunciation/lˈaɪk ðə kˈat ðat ˈeɪt swˈɒləʊd ɡɒt ðə kənˈeəɹi/
American pronunciation/lˈaɪk ðə kˈæt ðæt ˈeɪt swˈɑːloʊd ɡɑːt ðə kənˈɛɹi/

он выглядит довольным и счастливым собой, потому что добился успеха

used for saying that a person looks extremely satisfied, happy, or proud because of something they have done or achieved

What is the origin of the idiom "like the cat that ate the canary" and when to use it?


The phrase "like the cat that ate the canary" has its origin in English literature and dates back to the 19th century. The exact origin of the phrase is unclear, but it has been commonly used in various forms of writing, including novels, plays, and short stories.

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