bring sth to the table
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British pronunciation/bɹˈɪŋ ˌɛstˌiːˈeɪtʃ tə ðə tˈeɪbəl/
American pronunciation/bɹˈɪŋ ˌɛstˌiːˈeɪtʃ tə ðə tˈeɪbəl/

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to offer a beneficial or valuable contribution or resource in a collaborative setting to achieve a common goal
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to [bring] {sth} to the table definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "bring something to the table" and when to use it?

The idiom "bring something to the table" is thought to have originated in the early 1900s in the context of business negotiations. It is believed to have been used as a metaphor for a person bringing something of value to a meeting or negotiation, much like a meal would be brought to a table. The usage of the idiom has since expanded beyond business and can now refer to any situation where someone is bringing something of value or worth to a group or discussion.

The red-orange flowers in the vase brought color to the table.
The startup is excited to take on employees who bring innovative ideas to the table.
The gelatin dessert jiggled on the plate with each step as the waiter brought it to the table.
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Meaning of "To [bring] {sth} to the table" in Russian
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