Like a kid with a new toy
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British pronunciation/lˈaɪk ɐ kˈɪd wɪð ɐ njˈuː tˈɔɪ/
American pronunciation/lˈaɪk ɐ kˈɪd wɪð ɐ nˈuː tˈɔɪ/

Очень довольна; счастливо играет с чем-то

very thrilled or excited about something new that one has got
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like a kid with a new toy definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "like a kid with a new toy" and when to use it?

The origin of the phrase "like a kid with a new toy" can be traced back to the observation of children's behavior when they receive a new toy. Children often exhibit great excitement, enthusiasm, and a strong attachment to their new plaything. It can be used to describe someone's reaction to a new gadget, a thrilling adventure, a fresh opportunity, or even a newfound passion. Whether it's exploring a new hobby, discovering a captivating book, or embracing a novel experience, this idiom captures the sheer delight, curiosity, and engagement that individuals feel when they encounter something novel and exciting.

The child unwrapped the shiny new bicycle and couldn't wait to hop on and ride, grinning from ear to ear like a kid with a new toy.
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