meet trouble halfway
British pronunciation/mˈiːt tɹˈʌbəl hˈɑːfweɪ/
American pronunciation/mˈiːt tɹˈʌbəl hˈæfweɪ/

Волноваться, из-за того, что еще не произошло

to have a tendency to become worried over something that has not yet happened

What is the origin of the idiom "meet trouble halfway" and when to use it?


The origin of the meaning of "meet trouble halfway" can be traced back to times when communities had to rely on themselves. Those who focused too much on imagining troubles before knowing if they would truly occur were seen as "meeting trouble halfway." Over time, as communities needed a balance of preparation and staying focused on real issues, this phrase came to describe people with a tendency to anxiously anticipate difficulties before determining if they are really a threat.

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