a fine line
тонкое различие между двумя концепциями
a delicate distinction between two things, particularly two apparently similar situations or concepts
What is the origin of the idiom "a fine line" and when to use it?
The idiom "a fine line" originated from the literal concept of a line, which is a narrow and distinct mark or boundary. In a figurative sense, the phrase refers to a subtle or delicate distinction between two similar or closely related things. It is used to highlight the idea that there is a small margin or difference that separates two concepts, actions, or outcomes, often implying that the boundary can easily be crossed or misunderstood.
The comedian's jokes often tread a thin line between humor and offensiveness, causing mixed reactions from the audience.
In competitive sports, there is a fine line between pushing oneself to the limit and risking injury.
The decision to intervene in someone's personal matters can be a thin line between genuine concern and overstepping boundaries.

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