make a spectacle of oneself
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British pronunciation/mˌeɪk ɐ spˈɛktəkəl ɒv wɒnsˈɛlf/
American pronunciation/mˌeɪk ɐ spˈɛktəkəl ʌv wʌnsˈɛlf/

вести себя очень глупо

to behave in a very foolish and embarrassing way in the presence of others
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to [make] a spectacle of {oneself} definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "make a spectacle of oneself" and when to use it?

The origin of the idiom "make a spectacle of oneself" can be traced back to the mid-19th century. The word "spectacle" refers to a visually striking or attention-grabbing event or performance. This expression emerged as a figurative expression to describe an individual's actions or behavior that attract public attention in a manner that is often seen as embarrassing or inappropriate. It is used in various contexts and occasions where someone wants to describe or criticize a person's attention-seeking or embarrassing behavior.

The child is making a spectacle of himself by throwing a tantrum in the grocery store.
He made a spectacle of himself at the wedding by drunkenly interrupting the speeches.
The group of friends is making a spectacle of themselves by loudly arguing in the restaurant.
They were making a spectacle of themselves by arguing loudly in the middle of the park.
If you wear that outrageous outfit, you'll make a spectacle of yourself at the event.
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Meaning of "To [make] a spectacle of {oneself}" in Russian
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