think on one's feet
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British pronunciation/θˈɪŋk ˌɒn wˈɒnz fˈiːt/
American pronunciation/θˈɪŋk ˌɑːn wˈʌnz fˈiːt/

Уметь ясно мыслить во время стресса, особенно при формировании решения насущной проблемы

to think and react quickly to something without prior thought
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to [think] on {one's} feet definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "think on one's feet" and when to use it?

The idiom "think on one's feet" is derived from the idea of someone quickly and effectively making decisions or solving problems in a dynamic and fast-paced situation, such as in a conversation, presentation, or an unexpected challenge. It is often used to describe the ability to respond rapidly and adapt to changing circumstances without much preparation. This idiom highlights a person's skill in making smart, immediate decisions.

In a crisis, a good leader needs to be able to think on their feet and make decisions under pressure.
During the job interview, she had to think on her feet when asked an unexpected question about her weaknesses.
As a teacher, being able to think on your feet is essential when dealing with unexpected questions or classroom disruptions.
During the debate, he had to think on his feet to respond to his opponent's unexpected arguments.
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Meaning of "To [think] on {one's} feet" in Russian
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