A lump in one's throat
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British pronunciation/ɐ lˈʌmp ɪn ɔː tə wˈɒnz θɹˈəʊt/
American pronunciation/ɐ lˈʌmp ɪn ɔːɹ tə wˈʌnz θɹˈoʊt/

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a feeling like something is stuck in one's throat, often caused by strong emotions or the need to cry
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a lump (in|to) {one's} throat definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "a lump in one's throat" and when to use it?

The exact origin of the idiom "a lump in one's throat" is uncertain, as it has been used in various forms and contexts throughout history. The expression likely emerged from the physical sensation that individuals experience when they are strongly affected emotionally. It can be used in conversations about touching moments, heartwarming gestures, tearful goodbyes, or when reminiscing about cherished memories. The phrase captures the feeling of being moved to the point of speechlessness or having difficulty expressing emotions due to the constriction or tightness felt in the throat.

The touching scene in the movie brought a lump to his throat, causing tears to well up as he empathized with the characters' emotional journey.
The teacher fought back tears as her students presented her with a heartfelt thank-you card, feeling a lump in her throat at their appreciation.
As she bid farewell to her closest friends at the airport, a lump in her throat made it difficult to say goodbye, knowing it might be years before they meet again.
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Meaning of "A lump (in|to) {one's} throat" in Russian
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