(as) light as a feather
British pronunciation/az lˈaɪt az ɐ fˈɛðə/
American pronunciation/æz lˈaɪt æz ɐ fˈɛðɚ/

Быть легким в весе

used to refer to someone or something that is very easy to lift and carry, due to having no considerable weight

What is the origin of the idiom "light as a feather" and when to use it?


The origin of the idiom "light as a feather" is rooted in the physical properties of feathers, which are known for their lightness and delicate nature. This phrase is used metaphorically to describe something that is extremely light or weightless, emphasizing its lack of heaviness. Feathers, being lightweight and often associated with flight and freedom, serve as a fitting comparison to convey a sense of lightness and ease.

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