Wing screw
крыльчатый винт, винт с крылышками
a type of screw that features two large wings or extended knobs on the head, allowing for easy manual tightening and loosening without the need for tools
What is a "wing screw"?
A wing screw is a type of screw with two flat "wings" on either side of its head, making it easier to tighten or loosen by hand without the need for tools. The wings provide extra grip, allowing for simple manual turning. Wing screws are often used in situations where frequent adjustments or removals are needed, such as in machinery, furniture, or electrical equipment. They are particularly helpful when quick and easy fastening or unfastening is required without using a screwdriver or wrench.
The wing screw made it easy to adjust the height of the chair without needing any tools.
She tightened the wing screw by hand to secure the panel in place.
The technician removed the wing screw to access the inner components of the machine.

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