Three-toed sloth
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British pronunciation/θɹˈiːtˈəʊd slˈɒθ/
American pronunciation/θɹˈiːtˈoʊd slˈɑːθ/

Трёхпалые ленивцы

a unique mammal known for its slow movements and arboreal lifestyle in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America
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What is a "three-toed sloth"?

The three-toed sloth is a unique mammal that is known for its slow and deliberate movements, spending most of its life hanging upside down from trees in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. Three-toed sloths have distinctive physical adaptations, including long limbs with three toes on each foot, specialized muscles for gripping branches, and a unique slow metabolism. They have a specialized diet of leaves, buds, and fruits, which provides them with the energy they need despite their slow movements. Three-toed sloths have a slow-paced lifestyle, spending up to 15 hours a day sleeping, and are well-adapted to their arboreal habitat, making them fascinating creatures of the rainforest.

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