Temporal bone
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British pronunciation/tˈɛmpəɹəl bˈəʊn/
American pronunciation/tˈɛmpɚɹəl bˈoʊn/

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a cranial bone located on the sides and base of the skull, housing the ear structures and contributing to jaw movement
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What is "temporal bone"?

The temporal bone is situated on the sides and base of the skull. It houses essential structures such as the middle and inner ear, as well as the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The temporal bone plays a crucial role in protecting these delicate structures and contributes to hearing, balance, and jaw movement. Additionally, it provides attachment points for various muscles involved in facial expression and head movement. The temporal bone's intricate anatomy and position make it an integral component of the skull, supporting sensory functions and facilitating crucial functions related to the ear and jaw.

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