slip one's mind
folder open
British pronunciation/slˈɪp wˈɒnz mˈaɪnd mˈɛməɹˌi/
American pronunciation/slˈɪp wˈʌnz mˈaɪnd mˈɛmɚɹi/

исчезнуть из чьей-то памяти

to be forgotten or disregarded
folder open
to [slip] {one's} (mind|memory) definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "slip one's mind" and when to use it?

The idiom "slip one's mind" likely originates from the notion of thoughts or information slipping away or escaping from one's conscious awareness or memory. It implies that something was forgotten unintentionally, as if it slipped through the cracks of one's mental processes. This expression is used when someone forgets something, typically something important, without intending to do so. It highlights the unintentional or accidental nature of the forgetfulness.

It completely slipped my mind to pick up groceries on the way home, so we'll have to make do with what we have.
Don't let it slip your mind that we have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning.
I'm sorry, but your birthday invitation must have slipped my mind amidst all the chaos at work.
Despite studying extensively, a few key facts slipped my mind during the exam.
The combination to the safe had slipped his mind, leaving him unable to access the important documents inside.
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Meaning of "To [slip] {one's} (mind|memory)" in Russian
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