возрастающий, увеличивающий
increasing in quantity or value
повышение, поднятие
the event of something being raised upward
воспитание, выращивание
helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community
воспитание, выросшее
the properties acquired as a consequence of the way you were treated as a child
повышение, подъем
a syntactic process in which a verb or predicate raises its subject to a higher syntactic position, often resulting in a mismatch between the surface structure and the underlying syntactic structure
What is "raising"?
Raising is a grammatical process where a subject or object appears to move from a subordinate clause to the main clause of a sentence. This typically occurs with verbs that describe a state or condition. For example, in the sentence "It seems that John is happy," the subject "John" is raised from the subordinate clause "that John is happy" to the main clause, with "It seems" being the main focus. Raising helps make sentences clearer by showing the connection between the clauses in a straightforward way.

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