параплегия, паралич
a type of paralysis that affects the legs and the lower body as the result of spinal cord damage
What is "paraplegia"?
Paraplegia is a medical condition characterized by the loss of movement and sensation in the lower half of the body, typically due to spinal cord injury or disease. This condition often results from trauma, such as a severe injury to the spinal cord, or from medical conditions like spinal cord tumors or conditions that affect the nervous system. Individuals with paraplegia may experience paralysis of the legs, loss of bowel and bladder control, and changes in sexual function. Rehabilitation programs and assistive devices such as wheelchairs are often used to help individuals with paraplegia regain independence and improve their quality of life.
The accident resulted in paraplegia, leaving him unable to walk.
Advances in medical research are aiming to find treatments for paraplegia.
His paraplegia was diagnosed after a spinal cord injury from a fall.

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