to keep to
[phrase form: keep]
держаться, следовать
to stay on a specific path, road, or route
Transitive: to keep to a path
When driving in the mountains, it 's essential to keep to the marked trail.
The hikers were advised to keep to the established paths to protect the environment.
The marathon runners were told to keep to the designated course.
соблюдать, придерживаться
to follow through with what one has promised, planned, or committed to do
Transitive: to keep to a plan
She always keeps to her work schedule and never misses a deadline.
It 's essential to keep to the budget you've set for the project.
He promised to keep to his word and support the charity every year.
придерживаться, оставаться в рамках
to focus on and discuss only the specific subject that one is supposed to address
Transitive: to keep to a subject
During the presentation, make sure to keep to the main topic and avoid going off on tangents.
The professor reminded the students to keep to the assigned essay question.
When giving a speech, it 's important to keep to your key points and not digress.
оставаться в, пребывать в
to remain in a particular place or position
Transitive: to keep to a place or position
Despite the tempting beach, he preferred to keep to the shade of the beach umbrella.
The children were told to keep to the play area and not wander too far from the campsite.
During the storm, it 's safer to keep to the shelter of your home.
to keep to oneself
выбирать не общаться с людьми
to choose not to communicate or interact with other people
What is the origin of the idiom "keep to oneself" and when to use it?
The idiom "keep to oneself" has its origins in the notion of personal boundaries and privacy. It suggests the act of maintaining a reserved or introverted disposition and not sharing one's thoughts, feelings, or activities with others. This expression is used to highlight the preference for solitude or limited social interaction, reflecting a desire to maintain personal space or emotional distance.
She's a quiet person who tends to keep to herself, especially in a crowded room.
Despite being in a social environment, he chose to keep to himself and read a book.
Some people find solace in nature and prefer to keep to themselves while hiking in the wilderness.
to keep something to oneself
решите не делиться какой-либо информацией
to decide not to share a piece of information, an idea, or a feeling with others
He decided to keep his new job offer to himself until he made a decision.
She chose to keep her travel plans to herself to surprise her family.
It's important to respect someone's decision to keep their feelings to themselves.
to keep somebody to oneself
to limit someone's interactions with others, usually due to possessiveness or a desire for privacy
He was in love with her and did n't want to share her with anyone, so he kept her to himself and refused to introduce her to his friends or colleagues.
She was so jealous of her boyfriend that she always tried to keep him to herself, never allowing him to spend time with his friends or family.
Some individuals may keep their romantic partners to themselves out of insecurity.

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