to domesticate
domestici, aprinzi
to change wild animals or plants for human use or cultivation
Transitive: to domesticate a wild animal or plant
Ancient civilizations domesticated plants like wheat and rice, transforming them into staple crops for agriculture.
Farmers have domesticated pigs, selecting traits for docility and suitability for farming.
Cats were domesticated in ancient Egypt to control pests in grain stores.
îmblânzi, instrui
to encourage someone to enjoy and become skilled in managing household responsibilities and activities
Transitive: to domesticate sb
domestici, îndulci
adapt (a wild plant or unclaimed land) to the environment
Ancient civilizations domesticated plants like wheat and rice, transforming them into staple crops for agriculture.
Farmers have domesticated pigs, selecting traits for docility and suitability for farming.
Cats were domesticated in ancient Egypt to control pests in grain stores.
Some scientists are exploring the possibility of domesticating certain wild plants for food production in the future.
The process of domesticating horses revolutionized transportation and agriculture.
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