Computational linguistics

Computational linguistics
lingvistică computațională, lingvistică informatică
the interdisciplinary field that combines linguistics and computer science to develop algorithms, models, and technologies for the analysis, understanding, and generation of natural language by computers
What is "computational linguistics"?
Computational linguistics is the study of how computers can be used to process and analyze human language. It combines knowledge from linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence to develop algorithms and models that can understand, generate, and translate text and speech. This field focuses on tasks such as natural language processing, machine translation, and speech recognition. Computational linguistics helps create applications like chatbots, language translation software, and voice assistants, making it easier for machines to interact with people using natural language.
computational linguistics
The Department of Linguistics conducts research in areas such as language acquisition, language variation, and computational linguistics.
In computational linguistics, semantic analysis algorithms are used to extract meaning from text for applications like natural language processing.