Reading list
listă de lectură, selecție de lectură
a curated collection of written works intended for reading, often organized by theme, genre, or academic purpose
What is a "reading list"?
A reading list is a collection of books, articles, or other texts recommended or required for study in a particular course or subject. It serves as a guide for students, helping them know which materials to read in order to understand the course content or prepare for exams. A reading list may include a mix of textbooks, reference materials, and supplementary readings that expand on key topics covered in class. It is typically provided by instructors at the beginning of a course to support learning and deepen students' knowledge of the subject.
A summer reading list for college students might include contemporary fiction titles and non-fiction essays.
The New York Times Best Sellers list serves as a popular reading list for avid readers seeking the latest acclaimed literature.
A personal reading list created by an individual might encompass diverse genres such as science fiction, memoirs, and historical fiction.

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