to put in
[phrase form: put]
a întrerupe, a se băga
to interrupt someone to say something
Transitive: to put in a remark
Intransitive: to put in with a remark
pune deoparte, rezerva
to set aside something for future use
Transitive: to put in sth
a pune în, a introduce în
to place an object into another object
Ditransitive: to put in sth a receptacle
depune, înainta
to submit a formal application or request for something
Transitive: to put in an application or request | to put in an application or request for sth
instala, pune
to install something
Transitive: to put in a device or system
insera, plasa
to insert something between other things
Transitive: to put in sth
a participa, a depune efort
to actively participate in a particular endeavor or group effort
Transitive: to put in effort or energy
a sosi, a ajunge
to arrive at a particular location or port
Intransitive: to put in | to put in somewhere
a planta, a semăna
to plant seeds, plants, or crops in the ground
Transitive: to put in seeds or plants
numi, numire
to appoint someone to a specific role or job
Transitive: to put in sb
put in
He constantly puts in with jokes, even when the conversation is serious.
It's frustrating when people put in with irrelevant comments during important discussions.
I was explaining the plan when Jane put in her thoughts.
Every time I try to speak, someone always puts in with their opinion.
During the discussion, Lisa felt compelled to put in and share her experience.