Who is a "junior"?
A junior refers to a student in their third year of study in a four-year academic program, such as in high school or college. At this stage, the student has already completed most of the basic coursework and is usually focusing on more specialized subjects related to their major or field of study. Being a junior often means the student is preparing for their final year and is starting to plan for graduation or post-graduation opportunities.
As juniors, they are preparing for standardized tests and college entrance exams.
Mark is excited to be a junior this year and looking forward to senior year activities.
junior, necioplit
term of address for a disrespectful and annoying male
junior, cel mai tânăr
the younger of two persons
junior, fiul
a son who has the same first name as his father
junior, mai puțin experimentat
lower in rank or position compared to someone else wthin a work environment
As a junior employee, he reported to a senior manager and was responsible for assisting with various tasks.
Ca un angajat junior, mai puțin experimentat, el raporta unui manager senior și era responsabil pentru a asista cu diverse sarcini.
The junior partner in the law firm worked under the guidance of the senior partners.
Partenerul junior, mai puțin experimentat din firma de avocatură a lucrat sub îndrumarea partenerilor seniori.
junior, an trei
used of the third or next to final year in United States high school or college
junior, tineret
intended for or related to young people, particularly in sports
The junior division of the tennis tournament is open to players under the age of 18.
Divizia tineret a turneului de tenis este deschisă jucătorilor cu vârsta sub 18 ani.
She coaches the junior soccer team, helping young athletes develop their skills and teamwork.
Ea antrenează echipa de fotbal de tineret, ajutând sportivii tineri să își dezvolte abilitățile și spiritul de echipă.

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