de forma desonrosa, de maneira antiética
in a manner inconsistent with principles of honesty or moral standards
The witness testified dishonorably in court, providing false information under oath.
He acted dishonorably by betraying the confidence of his closest friends.
He dishonorably broke his promises, failing to fulfill commitments he had made to his family.
desonrosamente, com desonra
with dishonor
desonrosamente, de forma desonrosa
in a dishonorable manner
The witness testified dishonorably in court, providing false information under oath.
He acted dishonorably by betraying the confidence of his closest friends.
He dishonorably broke his promises, failing to fulfill commitments he had made to his family.
She was expelled from school for behaving dishonorably by cheating on her exams.
The politician resigned after being found guilty of acting dishonorably in office.
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