Break point
ponto de ruptura, ponto de quebra
a situation in tennis where the receiving player can win the game if they win the next point against the server's serve
What is a "break point"?
A break point in tennis occurs when the receiver has a chance to win the game on the server's serve. This happens when the receiver is leading by a score of 30-40, 15-40, or when the game is tied at deuce. If the receiver wins the next point, they win the game, breaking the server’s serve. A break point is considered a crucial moment in a match, as breaking the opponent’s serve gives the receiver an advantage in the set. Players aim to save break points to maintain control of the match.
He saved three break points in a row with powerful serves.
She seized the break point opportunity with a brilliant passing shot.
The pressure was on as he faced his opponent 's break point.

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