Grout bag
saco de rejunte, saco de argamassa
a tool used in masonry and tile work, typically made of fabric or plastic, that is filled with grout
What is a "grout bag"?
A grout bag is a tool used to apply grout, a mixture of cement, sand, and water, into narrow joints between tiles. It is similar to a piping bag used in baking, with a thick, flexible bag and a nozzle at one end. The bag allows for controlled, precise application of grout into the spaces between tiles, making the process cleaner and more efficient. Grout bags are commonly used in tile installation, especially for intricate or detailed grout lines. After the grout is applied, the bag can be cleaned and reused for future projects.
The worker filled the grout bag with the mixture to seal the tile joints.
After mixing the grout, she carefully squeezed the grout bag to fill the gaps between the tiles.
He used a grout bag to ensure the grout was applied evenly along the edges of the floor tiles.

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