to get the rough side of one's tongue
to speak to a person who has done something wong or inappropriate in a very angry or harsh manner
What is the origin of the idiom "get the rough side or edge of one's tongue" and when to use it?
The idiom "get the rough side or edge of one's tongue" likely originated from the idea that the "rough side" or "edge" of the tongue refers to the harsh or critical part of someone's speech. This expression is used to convey the experience of receiving a scolding or being on the receiving end of someone's sharp and unpleasant words.
After repeatedly missing deadlines, the employee finally got the rough side of the boss's tongue during a stern reprimand.
When the child broke the valuable vase, he got the rough side of his mother's tongue as she scolded him for not being more careful.
The team members got the rough side of the project manager's tongue when they failed to deliver the expected results despite multiple warnings.