(in reference to a business or relationship) in a difficult or troubled state, and may be at risk of falling apart
What is the origin of the idiom "on the rocks" and when to use it?
The origin of the idiom "on the rocks" is uncertain, but it may have originated from the idea of a ship running aground on rocks, which can cause significant damage and lead to the sinking of the vessel. Over time, the phrase has come to be used more generally to describe any situation where something is in trouble or facing difficulties, whether it be a personal relationship, a business venture, or any other situation where stability or success is threatened.
(of drinks, particularly alcoholic beverages) with ice cubes in the glass
What is the origin of the idiom "on the rocks" and when to use it?
The idiom "on the rocks" originates from the world of alcoholic beverages, particularly cocktails. It is sued to refer to a drink that is served over ice cubes or "rocks." The term "rocks" in this context simply means pieces of ice. "On the rocks" is a way to specify how a person wants their drink prepared, indicating that they prefer it served with ice.