escarlate, vermelho-escarlate
a bright red color
The ballroom was decorated in rich scarlet, creating a luxurious atmosphere.
O salão de baile foi decorado em rico escarlate, criando uma atmosfera luxuosa.
Her dress was a striking shade of scarlet that caught everyone's attention.
O vestido dela era de um tom escarlate marcante que chamou a atenção de todos.
With a scarlet dress, she captivated the gala attendees as she gracefully entered the room.
Com um vestido escarlate, ela cativou os participantes da gala ao entrar graciosamente na sala.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, scarlet hues streaked across the sky, painting a breathtaking sunset.
Conforme o sol mergulhava abaixo do horizonte, tons escarlates riscavam o céu, pintando um pôr do sol de tirar o fôlego.
escarlate, vermelho-sangue
referring to something that is considered immoral, shameful, or scandalous, often used to describe actions or behaviors that are deemed disgraceful
The scandal was so severe that it was deemed a scarlet affair in the town.
O escândalo foi tão severo que foi considerado um affair escarlate na cidade.
She wore her mistakes as a scarlet badge of dishonor.
Ela usava seus erros como um distintivo de desonra escarlate.

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