to plead
implorar, pedir
to make an earnest and emotional request, often accompanied by a strong sense of urgency or desperation
Transitive: to plead for sth
Ditransitive: to plead with sb to do sth
He pleaded with his boss to reconsider the decision to terminate his employment.
The student pleads for an extension on the assignment due to unforeseen circumstances.
The activists are currently pleading for government action to address environmental issues.
pleitear, defender
to state in a court of law, in front of the judge and the jury, whether someone is guilty or not guilty of a crime
Linking Verb: to plead [adj]
The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charges of robbery and assault.
The lawyer advised his client to plead guilty to the lesser offense to avoid a harsher sentence.
In the court, the accused stood up and firmly stated, " I plead innocent, Your Honor. "
pleitear, suplicar
to state something as an excuse
Transitive: to plead an excuse or a point of law
The defense lawyer pleaded self-defense, arguing that the defendant acted to protect himself from imminent harm.
The plaintiff pleaded breach of contract, alleging that the defendant failed to fulfill their contractual obligations.
The accused pleaded insanity, claiming that he was not mentally competent to understand the consequences of his actions.
pleitear, defender
to present arguments in a court of law to support a case
Transitive: to plead a legal case or position
The prosecutor pleaded the evidence to prove the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt.
The plaintiff 's lawyer pleaded their client's right to fair compensation for the damages suffered.
The lawyers pleaded their respective positions before the judge, seeking a favorable ruling.

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