Pooper scooper
łopatka do psich nieczystości, zbieracz do psich odchodów
a tool or device used for picking up animal waste, particularly from dogs, in outdoor areas
Do n’t forget the pooper scooper when you take the dog for a walk.
She brought her pooper scooper along to the park just in case. "
The pooper scooper is very convenient for keeping the yard clean.
sprzątacz odchodów, wyprzątacz psich odchodów
a person who is responsible for cleaning up animal waste, particularly from dogs
He became the pooper scooper for the neighborhood dogs after the old guy retired.
I ca n’t believe I have to be the pooper scooper on this one; it ’s not a glamorous job.
She was hired as the pooper scooper for a dog-walking service.

Bliskie Słowa